"Andrea was born and grew up in Boston. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Boston with a degree in Studio Art and did post-baccalaureate work at Curry College in Milton, Massachusetts to obtain her teaching certificate. Andrea moved to Naples, Maine in 1981 where her family has owned a camp for over fifty years. She worked for many years in the Development Department for the Maine Chapter of the National Easter Seal Society. She and her husband, Paul Charpentier, also operated a successful fine dining restaurant in the Lakes Region for over ten years." Her artistic journey up to this point in her life saw her concentrating in drawing, printmaking, and painting in acrylics. Upon moving to Naples, she came under the spell of the magic of the watercolors of Lucille Geiser, a well-known New Jersey watercolorist who maintained a summer studio in Naples. She started painting in that medium with a group facilitated by an artist in Windham. And then started another watercolor group that has met weekly for the past seventeen years and still meets to this day. Andrea has shown her work in a number of galleries in the region. She has taken several “Best of Show” awards over the years in the greater Portland area. She was one of the original artists showing in Gallery 302 when it first opened, but then left for a time when family obligations took precedence in her life. She is pleased to be back with her fellow artists at Gallery 302." Email: